The conference will take place in the spaces of the Higher Polytechnic School (Buildings EPS I and EPS III):

Registration desk: 8:30-13.30 / 15.30-17.00
Wednesday 23
10:00 Opening ceremony
15:30 Workshop: Khipulearn Platform
17:30 Social activity: Visit to Santa Bárbara Castle
Thursday 24
12:30 Keynote: Beyond the Palantir, Safe AI in education, from ethics to tools – Marc Alier, UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
20:30 Gala dinner
Friday 25
12:30 Closure
Track list
Track 1: Gamification and Games for Learning (GAMILEARN)
- Street Simulator 2.0: An innovative tool for mobility skills development in children with autism
- Fostering Complex Thinking through Educational Simulators in Higher Education
- V-Logistics: An Educational Serious Game for Enhancing Supply Chain Decision-Making Skills
- Serious Games Affordances in Financial Complex Scenarios: An Activity Theory Analysis
- ESports for the gifted and talented: a case study of a high-performance university programme
- Formative Assessment in DGBL: A Qualitative Analysis of Players Perceptions of Game-based Feedback in Complex Scenarios
- Towards the Development of an Assessment Model of Spatial Reasoning with a Serious Game
- El mensaje: A Tabletop Role-Playing Game as an Educational Intervention for the Improvement of Socio-emotional and Digital Competences in Adolescents
- PRETA: A Gamified Platform for Eating Disorders Prevention
Track 2: Managing Generative AI in Educational Settings
- User Experience in Digital Ecosystems with the Integration of Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Mapping from 2010 to 2024
- Design and Challenges of Open Large Language Model Frameworks (Open LLM): a systematic literature mapping
- The AI-Powered Classroom: LLMs as Teacher Assistants for Enhanced Software Engineering Learning Experiences
- Case-Based Learning with Gen AI: Level of Complexity in Case Study Creation
- Next-Gen Teaching: Integrating AI in University Edu-cation
- Study on the applicability of AI as a tool for learning programming in engineering studies
- Expressing educational content with extensive language models: a question of context
- Integrating Generative AI in Higher Education: Building a Collaborative Learning Community at the University of Alicante
- Understanding and Simplifying Text with Generative AI: A Performance Comparison
Track 3: Integration of next-generation technologies in health sciences: a multicultural approach
- The Role of Mobile Applications in the Management of Traumatic Upper Limb Injuries
- Numerical evaluation of micromotions and wear of two different dental implants in case of isotropic and anisotropic human jaw
- Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to training and diagnosis in medical radiology
- Training programme in therapeutic infiltration of the shoulder region using computer software controlled high reality models
- Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in diabetic retinopathy diagnosis: educational implications for medical training
- Building healthcare educational scenarios by tagging clinical narratives using Large Language Models
- Semantic perturbative privacy-preserving methods for the open release of health data
- Integration of Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Clinical Practice: Design and Development of a Cranial Prosthesis Prototype
- Design and Prototyping of a Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Prosthesis Using Additive Manufacturing Technologies
- Bibliometric analysis visualizations in the field of mobile technologies and migration in high impact publications
- Software Prototype for the Monitoring of Physical Performance Data in College Football Teams
- Clinical competencies and Complexity in students: Systematic literature review
- Upper Robotic Extremity For The Development Of Diagnostic Skills And Medical Training
Track 4: Engineering Education and ICT Literacy
- Motivating Safe Street Crossings – An EPS@ISEP 2024 Project
- Exploring Teamwork Competence Quality Indicators in Higher Education
- Application of innovative educational methodologies for the effective management of shallow geothermal re-sources
- A Study of Collaborative Integration of Future Skills in Top Universities for Engineering Education in the Age of Industry 4.0
- The Application of Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements by Computer Science Students: the Case Study of an IT Support Chatbot
- Assessing the Patterns of Accesses to Simulator Objects in English, Portuguese and Spanish
- Revisiting Team-Based Learning in a Fluid Mechanics Module: Enhancing Students’ Competences
- ChatGPT as a flipped learning tool in Education: A case study in Chemical Engineering
- Beyond Scores: Early Findings on TBL’s Impact in Engineering Education
- To be, or not to be: The Smartphone on the Classroom, Use in Introductory Physics Courses for Engineering in Chile
Track 5: Unveiling Learning Analytics and Grey-Box Modelling: Bridging Theory and Data-Driven Insights
- The interplay of engagement and learning regulation in online learning
- Exploring the Role of AI Tools in Enhancing Accessibility and Design Efficiency in User Interface Design: A Qualitative Study of Student Experiences
- Learning together: Modeling the process of student-AI interactions when generating learning resources
- Does updating instructional design change learners study behaviours and engagement patterns?
- A peek inside the black box: A mixed model approach to prediction from clickstream data
- Frequencies and averages miss the point of SRL evolution: A complex dynamic systems approach
Track 6: Bridging the diversity gap in STEM
- Promoting Scientific-Technological Appropriation in Women Through Entrepreneurship
- Self-regulated Learning, Systemic and Innovative Thinking in Women Studying STEM Careers: A Mastery Level Analysis
- HerTechVenture, empowering women in tech innovation and entrepreneurship in Higher Education institutions
- ROBOSTEAMSEN Taxonomy to Support Teachers in Fostering STEAM Education for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Open Educational Resources that create links between the university and other educational levels with an international approach
- International mobility for gender equity and multiculturalism in STEM: a case study between Colombia and Spain
- Intersectionality and STEM Education: Validation of QISHESTEM in Mexico
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Spanish Version of the Value-Expectancy STEM Assessment Scale for University Women
- Students Intention to Leave STEM Careers: Gender and Academic Scholarship Impact
Track 7: Laboratories in STEM Education
- MedTech Simulator – A tool for medical students
- Home Assistive Robot for Alzheimer’s Patients
- Educational Resources for Laboratory Practices in Electronic Device Physics
- Individual Laboratory Assessment in Food Science: A Strategy for Differentiating Student’s Laboratory Skills and Knowledge
Track 8: New trends in mechatronics engineering education
- An Educational Approach for Dynamic Light Intensity Mapping in Sports Centres
- Integrating SolidWorks, LabVIEW, and Arduino in Robotics Education
- Learning Mobile Robotics: An Approach based on a Classroom Competition
- Modeling and Control of an Educational Manipulator Robot Joint
- Educational SCARA Manipulator: Enhancing Robotics Teaching with a Modular and 3D-Printed Design
- Actuators with Force Feedback: A Literature Review in the Scope of Educational, Academic, and Industrial Applications
Track 9: Smart Learning
- LI.DIA SPACE: Serious Game for Diabetes Self-management
- Evaluation of OpenEDR4C-Guatemala: a platform for the development of complex thinking
- Empowering Scientific Entrepreneurship: Impact of a Self-Managed Educational Platform 4.0 for the Development of Complex Thinking.
- Monitoring tools for the Khipulearn smart learning platform
- Next-Gen Information Architecture: Open STEAM Platforms
- Exploring Stress in Effective Communication: A Psycho-Cognitive and Technological Approach
- Decoding the Enigma of a Digital Platform Transfer: Research-Based Design and Complex Thinking
Track 10: Communication, Education and Social Media
- Critical Perspectives and Uses of Social Media and Transformative Pedagogy
- Gender, Sexuality and Teaching Innovation Projects in Spain (2019-2023): An Exploratory Research
- Technological and Social entrepreneurship in higher education: a non-supervised algorithm for complex thinking profiling
- Mobile applications to quit smoking. A systematic review
- The AI Generation? Youth on the Threshold of the Era of Singularity
- From Scrolling to Learning: Exploring Social Media’s Impact on Academic Performance Among Adolescents and Young People
- The Influence of Social Media Usage on the Authority of Religious Leaders among Bina Nusantara University Students, Alam Sutera, Tangerang
- Social Media and Educational Experiences- Internationality in Mexico through TikTok
- Exploring Creative Expression on TikTok During COVID-19 Pandemic in Albania
- Framework for Design Interdisciplinary Collaboration for the Future of Work: A Case Study in Higher Education 4.0
Track 11: Identity and education. Identity construction processes in hyperconnected and natural ecosystems
- Complex thinking for understanding reality: qualitative analysis with intercultural expert dialogues.
- Open Education Platform on Complex Thinking: Users’ Satisfaction Analysis
- Iberoamerican perspectives on complex thinking: assessing higher education students’ perceived maturity level.
- Teachers’ perceptions of achievement on complex thinking competence: a multicultural study.
- Post-verdad y subjetividad polĂtica en la escuela
- The Delphi Method for Integrating Digital Technology and Nature-Based Learning in Primary Education
- Impact of Nature Connection on the Emotional Dimension of Identity in Late Childhood: Analysis of Gender Differences
Track 12: Educational assesment and guidance
- The teacher-student relationship and influence on Mathematics achievement in Ecuador
- Relationship between attitude and performance in Mathematics
- Predictors of environmental awareness among PISA Spanish students
- Secondary Mathematics Complexity Decomposed and Fitted Through Five Reliable Variables
- Present, Past, and Future of the Educational Framework for Digital Competence in Teaching
- Computational Thinking Platform for Energy Education: Facilitating the Achievement of SDG 7 in Guatemala
- Factors associated with educational equity in compulsory education: a study of large-scale assessments
- Subjective norm and perceived usefulness of mobile devices in assessment: A comparative study of the behavioral intention to use in three pre-service teacher training programmes
- Capstone Exam performance: a review on useful preparation tools and student commitment.
Track 13: Educational Innovation
- Relationship between variables of instruments measuring self-regulated learning to improve student monitoring
- Skills in Engineering Education and its challenges to the labour market
- Proposal of a Conceptual Model for a Virtual Environment that Mediates Lesson Planning Activities
- Educational tools to develop climate literacy among school students: Science On a Sphere
- A proposal for innovative higher education in criminology through the use of photogrammetry techniques
- Model of characterization of teamwork competence based on three types of capabilities
- Integration of ChatGPT and Moodle: Enhancing Teaching with Free Tools
- Active Learning Promotion: Students’ Resistance versus Students Embracement
- User Experience Measurement in a Computational Thinking Platform: Findings from Implementation in Latin America
- Competency-Based Education: Communication and Ethics Competencies at the School of Business and Economics, ICESI University, Colombia
- Undergraduates’ Perceptions on Post-Lecture Quizzes in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
- Human vs Machine Learning: best approach to early detect university dropout rates
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Using Videos and ChatGPT in Chemical Engineering Education
- Collision Detection Program
Track 14: Advances on Sustainable Development in Higher Education
- Student Welfare: The University as a Promoter of Happiness
- Empowering Climate Awareness through Social Entre- preneurship Training
- Opportunities and Limitations of B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga in Reducing Stress Levels among Students at Lodz Univer-sity of Technology, Poland
- Growing Mushrooms on Coffee Grounds — An EPS@ISEP 2024 Project
- Experiential Learning in Sustainable Development through a short-term international experience
- Engineering Education for a Sustainable Future – A systematic literature review and a perspective
- Development of sustainability competences using Competition-Based Learning linked to a Challenge-based learning context
- Open Educational Resources for Promoting Engineering to Support Sustainable Development
- General Overview of Integrating SDGs in Higher Education
- Advances in Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Higher Education and Research in Portugal and Europe
- Artificial Intelligence and Immersive Technologies for Entrepreneurial and Complex Thinking: Addressing SDGs through Education 4.0
- Use of digital peer review tools for a priori feedback of sustainable development research pre-proposals in a postgraduate course
- Competencies for Sustainable Development and Open Education: Research in Higher Education
- Computational and Complex Thinking: Exploratory Descriptive Study of Microlearning for Sustainability
- DIG-HE Digital Transformation Model in Higher Education: An Implementation Model
Track 15: Doctoral Consortium
- An Educational STEM Model for the Arab Region Based on X-Based Learning, Employing ICT
- Digital Educational Ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence: Evaluation of Complex and Computational Thinking
- Optimization and Scalability of Open Large Language Models: A Multidimensional Framework for Efficient Management
- Multiagent Systems for Educational Transformation: A Swarm of Intelligent Personal Assistants
- Pedagogical strategies for teachers in mentoring gifted students in higher education institutions
- Entertainment-education strategies to defuse anti-immigration rumors through fiction. The roles of protagonist’s attitudes and modern racism.
- The influence of argument type in reducing prejudice towards stigmatized groups in entertainment-education fiction messages
- Complex competency model for digital transformation in corporate universities integrating artificial intelligence
- Design of a methodological guide for the implementation of inclusion and cultural diversity projects supported by technology in European educational institutions
- A Bibliometric Analysis of AI Literacy and Educational Readiness among University Students: A Study from 2020 to 2024
- Analysis of the historical evolution of media hate narratives in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a case study
- Instructional design for AR learning experiences: impact on academic engagement
- Language evolution in the scientific production of the University of Salamanca
- Prospective Study for the Development of Strategies to Promote the Participation of Women in the Automotive Industry